hello, world. happy new year! 

welcome to spruce media, a new marketing adventure that i’m thrilled to finally be sharing. 

If we can all agree on anything, it’s that new brands can be hard to start. I’ve had the Spruce Media marketing adventure brewing in my mind for months now as I’ve navigated a career change through the craziest year known to… well, anyone. Although new adventures can feel overwhelming, I’ve learned over the years that taking the leap is always worth it.

For the last 7 1/2 years, I’ve worked in various marketing roles managing brand strategy, content development, creative assets, and more. If there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout my career, it’s that I LOVE marketing. There’s such exhilaration in understanding the points of influence that you can have in a company’s success. Some people think that marketing is the “fluffy” side of business. The truth is that without a strategic way to find new customers, a business isn’t likely to grow. In some cases, the opportunity to invest in marketing feels impossible with extremely limited resources – which is so relevant today.

covid-19 on small business

Seeing the impact that COVID-19 has had on businesses in 2020 was gut-wrenching. So many business owners are having to make unprecedented sacrifices to keep doors open. Many times those sacrifices include the marketing resources that were likely bringing customers into those doors. Headcounts have decreased, budgets are tighter than ever, and there’s a genuine struggle in the balance of “must-have” and “nice-to-have” when it comes to marketing efforts. Small businesses with fewer than 20 employees have been most affected, as they have fewer resources and little cash flow.

These are the very struggles that have motivated and inspired me to start this blog. If you’re a business owner or solo-entrepreneur, I want to educate and share tools and resources about marketing best practices with the hopes that I can help you take control of your brand and drive it in positive, profitable ways. 

The new year brings the promise of hope for better days ahead. As our world seeks to get back to “normal”, you’ll be looking for opportunities to bring business back to what it was. You don’t need to hire a marketing team put your brand in front of a larger audience. There are so many things that you can do digitally to grow your brand. Through this blog, I’ll share information as it relates to digital marketing: social media algorithms, search engine optimization (SEO), paid-advertising, website content, email marketing, trends, and more. I look forward to building a marketing adventure that everyone can benefit from. 

Are you ready to spruce up your marketing efforts? Check back here for new, regularly posted content. You can also subscribe so that new information comes straight to your inbox!