how to effectively use the internet to gain quality followers and grow your marketing audience

As a business owner, connecting with people will always be something you strive to do more of. It’s inevitable! Without people interacting with your company, you likely won’t have much success in your business. But how can you continue growing the right audience for your business?

There are so many different ways for you to expand your brand to reach new people. Digital marketing is one of the major ways to continue to bring in additional interest, as it allows you to mold and shape your content to best speak to your ideal customer demographics, or people who are most likely to become customers of your product or service. Through your website content, social media posts, paid advertisements, etc. you are ultimately generating more leads of interested people that you can promote to.


One of the most important pieces of advice that I can offer is to be authentic. Your company should have a specific mission and vision for success, so make sure that anything you put out for the world to see is in alignment with those foundational pillars. If people feel like the content you put out is all over the place, they probably won’t trust doing business with you. However, if you’re reliable in your brand’s mission, you will build a much stronger relationship with those who are watching you.

It’s also extremely important to note that your target audience isn’t everyone. Unless you’re offering everything to everyone, you can’t possibly hold the responsibility for targeting every person. If you can take that pressure off your shoulders and instead use that energy to master your connection with the right people, you’ll have a much stronger success rate in converting your audience into viable leads.

I know it can be exciting to get information out there quickly, but I truly recommend dialing back to ensure that your company and brand pillars exist first. Specifically define what you offer as well as who it most benefits – and then, use that information to build a solid strategy that targets those very people. Without a doubt, you will grow your audience in a meaningful way with quality connections.


As you build your quality audience, don’t forget to engage with them! Engagement is SO important, especially in a digital space where human connection is so different from “real life”. You need to find ways to interact with your audience in ways that show them you care about them.

How can you do this? Simply interact with them! If someone leaves you a review, thank them! If someone comments on your post, reply back with a meaningful response! See something in your news feed that’s relevant to your mission? Share it, and talk about the connection or why it resonates! These simple actions will not only support social media algorithms that put your brand on people’s news feeds, but it also provides more content to who you are and what you’re doing.

spruce it up

Are you ready to spruce up your marketing efforts? I’m committed to helping small business owners and solo-entrepreneurs like you to expand your marketing strategy and get in front of more people. Check back here for new, regularly posted content. You can also subscribe so that new information comes straight to your inbox!