everything you need to know about digitally marketing your small business

There are so many different kinds of marketing outlets out there. The opportunities available to you to market your business are endless. Today I’m going to be talking about one of the more prevalent components of marketing in today’s world: digital marketing.

what is digital marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing and advertising efforts that use the internet and online platforms to promote your business. Social media marketing is typically what people think of when they hear the phrase “digital marketing”, but there’s a lot more to it than just social media. Digital marketing also includes your website, SEO, email, paid-advertising – anything that promotes your company on the internet. The internet is a vast space. Promoting your business means competing with so many other businesses to get your brand in front of the right people. This is why ensuring a positive user experience has become extremely important across all your digital channels.

user experience

By increasing user experience, search engines are more likely to recommend your site above others and put you in a better ranking position. User experience is also important to consider on social channels! Are your social media accounts engaging? Do you provide a call-to-action or next steps for a user to follow? Are you posting content consistently? These are all great questions to ask yourself as you review your social media habits.

As you grow your online presence and engage with people, search engines like Google will be more likely to rank your website higher in search results when users search for content that is similar to what you offer. This is called search engine optimization (SEO). It is extremely important to take user experience seriously from the beginning of your digital journey. If your website leads negative user experiences, it can take a long time to undo damage with your SEO.

spruce it up

Are you ready to spruce up your marketing efforts? I’m committed to helping small business owners and solo-entrepreneurs like you to expand your marketing strategy and get in front of more people. Check back here for new, regularly posted content. You can also subscribe so that new information comes straight to your inbox!